2016 In Review

Jake Hendry
Rich Baldassini
Chris Braun
Matt Pepe

Frank Heran *
Artie Zonghetti *
Dan Trabucco *
Tim Trabucco *

* - Questionable as we have all seen them play

Prop Bets

Longest Drive ProximityLongest Putt
 Scott AndrewsMike HermanJake Hendry
Darren Linder Jim Curran


Duane Godfrey
Scott Peterson
Bill Long
Scott Andrews

Jake Hendry
Rich Baldassini
Chris Braun
Matt Pepe

Frank Heran
Artie Zonghetti
Dan Trabucco
Tim Trabucco

Ryan Fletcher
Sonny MacDonald
Mark Degnan
Matt Yourell

Rich McManus
Jeff Buotee
Dave Belanger
Ed Dixon

Rich Strickley
Dave Chase
Ryan Morse
Dan Stowe

Jason Scarfo
Darren Linder
Asron Brighanti
John Sammarco

Rich Danforth
Derek Bournce
Danny Benedetti
Ryan Jazombek

Paul Leary
Steve LaRonde
Joe Robichaud
Pat Leary

JIm Curran
Randy Pope
Sean Lynch
Mark Thomas

Matt Sullivan
Adam Maloney
Kiwa Oakes
Ben Pimental

Conor Murphy
Chris Goscinski
Jason Costello
Bill Brien

Dan Brown
Hugh Munoz
Mike Hermon
Dan Bruce

Rich Prosalik
Joe Cerqueira
Paul Tully
Mark McMans

2016 collectors edition, "I'll taste your load", "shoot it bitch" and "Artie's ass juice"

Good thing Pepe had his own megaphone or we would have ignored him

And we are off.... Although he may have missed it

Ya Ya Ya, just don't spill the bloody's 

Why do I always get Frank?  I wanted Artie's ass juice

Guess who the asshole was that spilled the Bloody Mary?

Do you know how rare coral is?

The Leary squad showing there is no limit to how high you can wear your pants if you wife kept your balls at home

Is it still gay if we are wearing our rain gear?

And the 2016 tournament comes to an end